2000 lines - or more - to learn programming - from WYSIWYG to MERN Stack and Bitcoin

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2000 lines - or more - to learn programming - from WYSIWYG to MERN Stack and Bitcoin

The first book that I opened about web development was a book about the HTML, in the epoch of WYSIWYG and iframes. Since my 12 years old age the web changed. Some years ago any web developer used plugins to display videos online, tables, and Adobe Macromedia.

Yes, one day, tables were a good practice to creating layouts. Today, tables are a thing to be prevented if possible. A time without the Boostrap, a time with an HTML version specified for Internet Explorer, a time without backend runtime for JavaScript, a time without EcmaScript.

Now the discussion is about descentralized finance (Bitcoin), data science, artificial intelligence, prompt engineering, typescript, nodejs, Rust, Python 3.x, etc.

Things changed a lot of. One advantage of these changes is that learning web development and computer science online it`s more accessible.

You can consume websites like as Roadmap.sh and Youtube.com to learn from the gurus and genious, to watch conferences, and more. You literally has the opportunity to follow to a channel specialized in HTML/CSS Layouts. Moreover, you can learn from MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, all for free and online.

But so much information and resources can confuse you about the path, then I decided to share my currenct learning plan. This plan is for long-term learning, not a "one-month" plan.

This plan have more than 1900 lines to help me track the progress (it's a spreadsheet, I change the color of the line according the learning status related to the line - green if I already learned).

The topics includes:

  • JavaScript/TypeScript

  • Python

  • C++

  • Business Management (Finance and Marketing)

  • Blockchain

  • Data Science (I excluded the AI part of Natural Language Processing and Machine Vision, because I like to produce code related with business decision making)

  • Math, in special, Probability and Linear Algebra (when I am studying Electrical Engineering in university I achieved 90% of success in Linear Algebra, but I would like to learn more).

The resources used as reference are official documentations, official APIs, roadmaps from Roadmap.sh, courses from ocw.mit.edu, books recommended by specialists, Youtube playlists, and the Coding Interview University.

I will share with you the courses from MIT that are in my plan (some are for review):

  1. Single Variable Calculus

  2. Multivariable Calculus

  3. Linear Algebra

  4. Introduction To Probability

  5. Probability And Random Variables

  6. Introduction To Statistical Methods In Economics

  7. Mathematics Of Machine Learning

  8. Introduction To Computer Science And Programming In Python

  9. Mathematics for Computer Science

  10. Introduction To Algorithms

  11. Design And Analysis Of Algorithms

  12. Principles Of Microeconomics

  13. Econometrics

  14. Introduction to Machine Learning

  15. Communicating With Data

  16. Intermediate Macroeconomics

  17. Networks

  18. Optimization Methods

  19. Artificial Intelligence

  20. Introduction to Deep Learning

  21. Database Systems

  22. Data Mining

Another items in my list (most are books about C++):

  1. Regular Expressions Cookbook

  2. Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++

  3. C++ Primer

  4. Effective C++

  5. Effective Modern C++

  6. Effective STL

  7. Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions

  8. More Exceptional C++

  9. C++ Templates: The Complete Guide

  10. C++17 - The Complete Guide

  11. C++20 - The Complete Guide

  12. C++ in Action

  13. Modern C++ Design

  14. Practical C++ Metaprogramming

  15. C++ in Concurrency

  16. C++ Core Guidelines

  17. Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development

  18. Large-Scale C++

  19. Design Patterns

  20. The Programming Pearls

  21. The Art of Multiprocessor Programming

  22. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1

  23. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2

  24. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3

  25. Unix Network Programming

  26. Unix Network Programming Vol II

Some additional content, Roadmaps:

  1. Node.js Roadmap

  2. Python Roadmap

  3. Nodejs Roadmap

  4. Software Architect

  5. Cyber Security

  6. DevOps

  7. Backend

  8. Front-end

  9. Prompt Engineering

  10. AI and Data Science

Yes, It's a lot of of content, and it's not all the list, but it's a good list to really understand programming and be prepared for most of the challenges.